Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dog Days

The time between the early of July and the middle of August is known as Dog Days.

South Georgian lore tells that song birds are mostly quiet during these hot and humid days. Many a trip to the Beaver Pond and around the trails in the woods yield nothing picture worthy.

We are waiting for the cooler temperatures and the return of the winter birds to the region.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday, July 11

Ceryle alcyon - Belted Kingfisher
Corvus ossifragus - Fish Crow

Thursday, July 5, 2007

"I keep waiting to see a Hawk!"

Since we have been keeping our bird blog we have been wanting and waiting to see a HAWK...

On June 24, I saw a hawk perched on the pinacle of the old Helena Hotel - no camera.

On June 27, we saw a hawk on the top of a power pole outside Chas Mar - no camera.

Sarah had a doctor's appointment in Macon today. We stopped at Wal*Mart on the way back home to pick up some groceries. Sarah spotted it. Less than 20 feet from where we parked.

This is not the way we wanted to see a Hawk...

Buteo platypterus - Broad-winged Hawk immature

He got it in the end!